A total column can be added by going to the grade center, clicking Create Calculated Column, and selecting Total Column.
The Technology Solutions Extended Laptop Loan program is funded by the student Library/IT Assessment. There is no additional cost for this service to Technology SolutionsELL recipients.
Automatic speech recognition can be enabled in Echo 360 videos. This transcript can later be edited to provide a compliant transcript and closed captioning.
It takes 24 hours for student courses to reflect in Blackboard.
Yes, it is possible to merge courses, but the request needs to be submitted via an online form.
You can add text using the content editor
Checking out equipment is on a first-come, first-serve basis.
A “beta” release of a new Chromebook extension for LockDown Browser is currently available for exams delivered in Blackboard Learn (Original view). This version of the LockDown Browser Chromebook extension also supports Respondus Monitor. During the beta period, instructors will need to allow the use of LockDown Browser for Chromebook on a per exam basis.
A mobile tablet will allow you to share a whiteboard with both in person students and remote students together in an on campus classroom. You can write more precisely on the whiteboard if you have an Apple pencil or stylus for Android.
Classroom schedules and when classrooms are being used is not available to Technology Solutions staff.
Students will experience problems when using Respondus Lockdown Browser with multiple monitors.
The Zoom integration with Panopto allows for Zoom recordings to be uploaded seamlessly into Panopto.
Students are enrolled into a CRN course site automatically.
The Technology Solutions sponsored tool called Panopto, allows instructors to create an assignment that allows students the ability to upload a video to Blackboard.
Acadly is a classroom interactivity tool with features for in-class student response, math-TeX support, and no limits on the number of responses. The Acadly mobile app can be used to take automatic attendance in on-campus and hybrid courses.
While the on-campus computer labs are unavailable, UIC students who need to use Adobe Creative Cloud applications for their studies are able to request one-year access to an Adobe Creative Cloud Enterprise ID.
iThenticate is a cloud-based anti-plagiarism software available to faculty and graduate students to check papers, theses, grant proposals, books, etc. Undergraduate students should use SafeAssign (part of Blackboard) to check undergraduate papers.
Some resources managed by the UIC Library require the use of the Virtual Private Network (VPN) when you are not physically on-campus.
The course name can be changed by going into Customization and then Properties.
Changing the Entry Point of your Blackboard course is easy. Follow the instructions below or watch the video below to see how to change your course Entry Point.
To work on your files in the Virtual Computer Lab environment you can copy them from your local machine by using OneDrive or, if using a Windows computer, directly from your local drive by taking the following steps:
Smart Views can be made by going into the Grade Center, hovering the mouse over Manage, and then clicking Smart Views.
This article provides detailed instructions for IT staff on downloading and installing the Grammarly software on university-managed laptops or computer labs. The process ensures all faculty and student laptops are equipped with Grammarly to enhance writing assistance across the university community.
The Export Grade tool allows instructors to export grades to Banner. This tool can be found under Course Tools in the left navigation bar.
Echo360 is a system that allows instructors to easily stream and record lectures taught in specific UIC classrooms and make them available to their students through Blackboard.
This article demonstrates how instructors and students can access Class Climate course evaluation surveys in Blackboard
Attendance can be tracked manually or using a Student Response System.
The UIC Blackboard Learn service offers instructors and teaching assistants in course sites the images of students that appear on their University iCard so that they can easily associate student names and faces in their courses. All students are not required to have ID pictures, and some students have opted to have their images remain private.
Recordings from Zoom meetings using Record to the Cloud will be automatically uploaded to Echo360 after adjusting account settings.
Zoom can be used in classrooms along with a webcam and/or document camera (if applicable). If a classroom has a synchronous supported document camera, you can use it as you normally would and both the Zoom meeting participants and students present in class will be able to see the doc cam. You can also share files such as PowerPoint presentations, Word documents, PDFs, and contents on a browser, as well as sharing your entire screen.
Zoom at UIC has been integrated with the Blackboard Learn system for the ease of instructors and students.
To access another instructor’s Blackboard course contents, please contact that course’s instructor and request to be manually enrolled as an instructor in that Blackboard course. To enroll you as an instructor, the other instructor will need to:
You can change your profile picture on the Personalize My Settings page
To adjust the source audio (lectern PC, external input, Blu-ray) for an Integrated Multimedia Lectern (Enhanced) system use the following steps:
Storage is set to 2GB in Blackboard. Learn how to check your course storage.
The Blackboard Learning Management System provides a place for students to check their grades on assessments.
Use these instructions to connect to UIC's Virtual Computer Lab using your web browser:
Install the IOS/Android remote desktop client and connect to a Virtual Desktop
These instructions apply to Windows and MacOS and will show you how to connect to UIC's Virtual Computer Lab service:
You can copy courses from one term to another however, you must be an instructor in the destination course as well.
Anyone affiliated with the University of Illinois Chicago and having an activated UIC NetID will automatically have a blackboard account.
Below are the steps to create a VoiceThread.
Some classrooms with dual projectors are able to display two different sources at the same time. Those rooms include:
Instructors are able to download their recorded Panopto session video's to their hard drive by following the process in this article.
Instructors can enroll other users by going to Users and Groups, clicking Users, and then Find Users to Enroll.
The following tip can be used to confirm lecture capture is detecting an audio signal.
To request an external tool to be integrated via LTI in Blackboard, please submit a request as described in this article.
You can get help from LTS or Blackboard support
Contact the appropriate unit to arrange lecture capture:
This article provides a quick guide of how to initialize and deploy the Echo360 POD
This article outlines how to download Grammarly's UIC license for use on a personal or work computer.
Guide on different types of display outputs and adapters
By default, Blackboard courses are visible only to the instructor until instructors choose to make the course available to students.
Discussion boards can be printed by going to the messages, placing checkmarks in the boxes next to the message, and clicking Print Preview.
PLEASE NOTE: Be careful when removing students from Blackboard course sites as all information associated with the student (including grades and assignment submissions) will be deleted. Before removing students, make sure you do not need to refer back to these student
Students can be removed from the Users and Groups page.
If you are a student, courses from past terms will be removed automatically about two weeks after grades are due. Some instructors may keep courses available to you beyond the end of the term. Please, contact your instructor if you'd like to stop seeing a particular course on your Blackboard homepage.
You must physically return to the checkout location with the equipment in hand for inspection and present a valid UIC iCard to renew the checkout.
Instructors can copy courses from previous semesters or request a copy from a previous course to be made by LTS Support team.
Instructors can request a course template by filling out a Technology Solutions form.
Many instructors have found it useful to have software and data files installed on our network servers for their students to use. Technology Solutions will work with faculty and departments to make such arrangements.
Instructors can fill out a restoration request form to have an old course restored.
Technology Solutions partners with the Office of Classroom Scheduling (OCS) to improve the computer lab reservation process.
Ultra view allows users to send messages to everyone in the course.
You can send email through Blackboard using the "Send Email" tool in Original Course View; or using the "Messages" tool in Ultra Course View.
This article explains options instructors have to deal with late completed work.
Students can submit their finished assignment work through the link provided by the instructor.
You can take a test in Blackboard Ultra
This article summarizes how to troubleshoot Acadly errors that arise during remote attendance reporting.
The Panopto Building Block for Blackboard provides faculty and staff an easy method for embedding Panopto recordings directly into their courses. Recordings will continue to stream from Panopto without using any storage space on Blackboard. Course permissions will be honored, and recordings can be added anywhere the Mashup Tool is made available.
You can use discussion boards in Blackboard to share thoughts and ideas about class materials
Echo360 Universal Capture allows instructors to easily record lectures remotely on their own laptop, and make them available to their students through Blackboard. The system will capture all audio and video sources including the presenter and anything on the laptop screen.
For Integrated Multimedia Lectern (Enhanced)
Blackboard Learn offers Bb Annotate for Inline Grading in both the Original Course and Ultra Course Views. Bb Annotate offers a more robust feature set to provide customizable feedback to students. Features include a sidebar summary view, freehand drawing tools, various color selections, and much more.
This article details various use case scenarios for using the Class Activity Dashboard pilot.
There are two types of document cameras available in classrooms. Please check which is available in your room and you'll find corresponding instructions below.
The Elmo OX-1 document camera is easy to use, not expensive, and it produces a good quality video for teaching. The OX-1 offers 8x digital zoom via software and comes with a built-in microphone. You can use it with any computer and any web-conferencing tool for online dissemination of the content in real-time. Below are the steps on how to use and connect the OX-1 external document camera with your computer.
How to use the Lectern PC source.
This article summarizes how to set up the Zoom integration so that students can access your course recordings.
Standard checkout is three business days, and a checkout can be renewed one time for an additional three business days.
Information on normal SafeAssign response time.
Echo360 data includes recordings, bookmarks, notes, and discussions.
With Panopto users can create recordings, bookmarks, notes, and discussions. Data from Panopto can be manually or automatically deleted.
You may only check out one of each type of device at a time.
Self-enrollment groups is one method for group membership
This documentation will go over the steps to embed Panopto content into Blackboard for your students and view the grades.
Provides instruction on how an echo360 administrator can schedule classroom captures in classrooms equipped with echo360 devices.
This article explains the adaptors needed in UIC classrooms for the proper function of Echo360 POD
The class photo roster is not visible to students.
Students cannot see the control panel section in Blackboard; any tool and content in there will only be visible to instructors. Make sure your content is in content areas above the Control Panel, and Tools have made available as well.
Some courses require students to use Respondus, an online proctoring tool. If this is the case, you will need to download and install Respondus LockDown Browser on their own computer to use it.
Blackboard has many features to enable screen readers, keyboard navigation, etc.
Any party that borrows equipment from Technology Solutions is responsible for returning the equipment in the same condition they borrowed it, and on time. Technology Solutions will charge fines and/or suspend access to Technology Solutions resources (including computer labs, wireless network, etc.) for equipment that is returned late, damaged, lost, or stolen through negligence.
The Virtual Computer Lab automatically scales to meet connection needs.
Chromebooks and laptops are available for loan from Technology Solutions for UIC students that are in need of one in order to continue with their studies.
What to check when the wireless microphone is not working.
Gradescope helps instructors administer and grade assessments, whether online or in-class and allows saving time grading while getting a clearer picture of how students are learning.
The Blackboard calendar permits students and instructors access to a centralized schedule that can keep track of events and due dates.
Explains what the discussion board is
Integration with Pearson can range from a link to pearson.com in a course, to a single sign-on via LTI in Blackboard, and to full gradebook synchronization with deep content links.
The following software is guaranteed to be present in Technology Solutions managed classrooms and computer labs.
This article lists the software that is available in the Virtual Computer Lab.
Technology Solutions has three types of AV systems available for use in common classrooms.
Available digital accessibility Software and Services at University of Illinois Chicago
Learning Technology Solutions (LTS) offers equipment for short-term loan to both faculty and students
Technology Solutions manages several computer labs. Some are dedicated to open use, while others have priority usage for courses that need access to computers.
The following classrooms have the ability to capture lectures:
To provide instructor with clear information about when to use the request form for classroom Echo360 recording or live streaming.
iClicker highly recommends that clients contact them if they need any assistance.
This article provides a listing of iThenticate administrators, by college.
UIC is using the most current version of Blackboard Learn 9.1, which offers many valuable benefits. To ensure that the updated interface works properly across all devices and all course sites, the colors and sizes of elements in the Blackboard interface are not able to be customized at this time.
This article documents a known issue with the Grammarly Chrome extension and documents a workaround for all users.
If you cannot log in to Blackboard and you are new to UIC, it is likely that a password has not yet been set for your UIC NetID. For students, this is commonly done during orientation.
This article summarizes how to troubleshoot when your students cannot access your Panopto videos. If it appears that the requests are coming from all students, it is likely occurring because the Panopto videos in your current course weren't copied over correctly from the previous course. You can either email LTS@uic.edu or follow the steps described here.
Using old Internet browser versions can lead to the Blackboard Grade Center not loading properly. Most errors can be fixed by clearing cache and cookies.
This article details a workaround for a Panopto error asking users to "Click to sign in."