How do I add another designated admin to my Echo360 organization/department?

Please note: you must already have admin access in the Echo360 tenant to add another person as designated admin:

Adding designated admins is a 2-step process:

Step 1: Enable Admin access

  1. Go to Users.
  2. Enter the username/email address of the person you're looking for (e.g. Cheryl McKearin)
  3. Select Edit
  4. Select Role and Permission (see screenshot)

  5. Select Administrator role
  6. Select Update.

Step 2: Enable access to your org.

  1. Select the settings cog and select Institution Settings.
  2. Under Organizations and Departments, you should see your department.
  3. Select the Administrators column.
  4. Under Manage who has administrator privileges, enter the name of the person whom you just enabled admin access for and click the checkbox. Echo360 will automatically save.



Article ID: 2760
Thu 8/31/23 2:22 PM
Mon 9/18/23 12:30 PM