You can send email through Blackboard Original course view using the "Send Email" tool. Ultra course view has a different tool for communication with students call "Messages".
Original Course View: Email
In the Original Course View, you can access course messages from the Tools page or from a link on the course menu.
- On the course menu, select Tools > Send Email.
- On the Select Users or Select Groups page, select the recipients in the Available to Select box and select the right-pointing arrow to move them into the Selected box. A back arrow is available to move a user out of the recipient list. Select Invert Selection and the selected users are no longer highlighted and those users that weren't selected are highlighted.
- Note: For Windows, to select multiple users in a list, press the Shift key and select the first and last users. To select users out of sequence, press the Ctrl key and select each user needed. For Macs, use the Command key instead of the Ctrl key. You can also use the Select All option to send an email to all users.
- Type your Subject and Message. A copy of the message is sent to the sender. A receipt page appears after the message is sent that lists all the recipients.
- Select Attach a File to browse for files from your computer. You can attach multiple files. After you add one file, the option to attach another file appears.
- Select Submit.
Note: More information about Blackboard email is available on the Blackboard Help website
Ultra Course View: Messages
The following narrated video about messages provides a visual and auditory representation of some of the information included on this page. For a detailed description of what is portrayed in the video, open the video on YouTube, navigate to More actions, and select Open transcript.
Video: Messages in Blackboard Learn with the Ultra Experience shows you how to view and send course messages.
Instructors and students can send messages to each other, multiple people, or an entire class. Messages activity remains inside the system.
- Inside a course
- On the Messages page
- In a course, all messages and responses stay together on the Messages page. You can easily scan the entire list, and expand a message to read all the responses and see who is participating. Select the New Message icon to send a message. Send to one person, multiple people, or the entire class.
- From the course roster
- You can send a message to anyone involved with your course. Select a profile picture and then the envelope icon to open the New Message panel. You can add more recipients to the message as needed.
- From the global messages page
- Select Messages from the list where your name appears to access the global messages page.
- Select the plus sign in a course card on the Messages page to open the New Messages panel.
- Start typing to add recipients. As you type, matching recipient names pop up. You can continue to add as many names as you want or send to the whole class.
- Lead with the most important info! The first 100 characters of a message appear in the list. Messages don't have titles, so recipients rely on the first part of your message as they choose what to read. You can format your text with the editor.
Note: More information about messages is available on the Blackboard Help website.