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Students cannot see the control panel section in Blackboard; any tool and content in there will only be visible to instructors. Make sure your content is in content areas above the Control Panel, and Tools have made available as well.
A total column can be added by going to the grade center, clicking Create Calculated Column, and selecting Total Column.
The course name can be changed by going into Customization and then Properties.
Instructors can enroll other users by going to Users and Groups, clicking Users, and then Find Users to Enroll.
The Blackboard calendar permits students and instructors access to a centralized schedule that can keep track of events and due dates.
Original Course View
UIC is using the most current version of Blackboard Learn 9.1, which offers many valuable benefits. To ensure that the updated interface works properly across all devices and all course sites, the colors and sizes of elements in the Blackboard interface are not able to be customized at this time.
If you are a student, courses from past terms will be removed automatically about two weeks after grades are due. Some instructors may keep courses available to you beyond the end of the term. Please, contact your instructor if you'd like to stop seeing a particular course on your Blackboard homepage.
Students are enrolled into a CRN course site automatically.
Instructors can request a course template by filling out a Technology Solutions form.
It takes 24 hours for student courses to reflect in Blackboard.
The UIC Blackboard Learn service offers instructors and teaching assistants in course sites the images of students that appear on their University iCard so that they can easily associate student names and faces in their courses. All students are not required to have ID pictures, and some students have opted to have their images remain private.
Zoom at UIC has been integrated with the Blackboard Learn system for the ease of instructors and students.