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Technology Solutions offers high-quality IT support to university departments and units through either annual contracts or an hourly support basis.

Desktop and videoconferencing support for System Office units and other departments with a service agreement

IT Support Services

Classroom Technologies and AV Support

IT Support for the computer science department.

Request Support Regarding AHS Computer Labs

Technology and IT support for Office of Medicaid Innovation (OMI) employees.

Support for the Prior Authorization System (PAS).

The CBA IT Services team provides support for the College of Business Administration’s community with a single point of contact for the assistance, education, and troubleshooting issues concerning CBA computing resources.

System Units that receive services from Operations Support can request Unit Security Contact (USC), Expense Reimbursement, Travel, Skype for Business, Budget, Event Planning, Equipment Management Services, and Reconciliation here.

Integrated Learning Spaces support team provides support for the CBA managed classrooms (DH 310, 320, 170, ETMSWL278), CBA Boardroom (DH165) and CBA conference rooms (UH 1150, 2150, 2250, 2350, 2450). The team also manages the Echo360 scheduling in these rooms

The Energy Resources Center provides a wide variety of IT support for members of the ERC department. This includes students, faculty and staff.

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Please fill out the form and specify the IT support needed.

Software Installation, Licensing, and Troubleshooting