Kaltura is the ITS supported media management solution. Kaltura can be accessed through Canvas and through UIS MediaSpace at uis.mediaspace.kaltura.com.
This article is an overview and walk through of captioning tools in Kaltura's My Media.
This article will walk through the process of turning on the Screen Recording functionality on an iPad and the process to upload the recording to My Media in Kaltura.
Some people using Mac Safari or Google Chrome will see an error message when accessing Kaltura pages in Canvas. The message states: “It seems your browser is blocking 3rd party session cookies which are required for the Kaltura application. To resolve this issue, please update your settings to allow 3rd party cookies.“
This is a collection of resources when students use Kaltura. It provides directions for using Kaltura Capture, uploading to Canvas, retrieving share links, and many other resources.
Directions to create a Video Quiz in Kaltura for Canvas.