Knowledge Base

Categories (10)

Committees and Administrative Policies

Contains information on system, campus, and college committees and policies.

Administrative Services

Document services, forms, data


Promotion of activities for alumni and recent graduates


Includes internal communication and email, external communications and marketing, web sites, and college profiles.

Desktop and Mobile Computing

Includes Printing, Endpoint Management and Backups, Information Security, and Software Licensing services.


Any physical location - packages, classrooms, and offices


Anything dealing with money: wages, travel, purchase

Human Resources

New employee information, forms, calendars, timesheets, hiring

Teaching & Learning

Courses, Programs, Teaching, Learning

Articles (6)

Pinned Article Contact Information

List of common department emails and office locations for the College of Education

IT Partners at Education Overview

Overview of IT Partners

Setting up a new Apple device (user guide)

This article is a step-by-step guide on how to set up a new Mac computer with campus software.