The Committee of Department Executives (CoDE) consists of Heads and Chairs of academic units in the College of Education and the Associate Deans. General charges are to disseminate and implement campus and College policies at the departmental level; develop and implement department and College strategic, financial, and business and scholarship plans; develop College responses to problems and issues arising in the College or campus; assure compliance with campus and College polices, including but not limited to promotion and tenure, faculty searches, unit bylaws, and sabbaticals.
Committee of Department Executives (Voting Members)
Professor Tamara Bertrand Jones, Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs
Professor Kiel Christianson, Chair, Educational Psychology
Professor Matt Lambert, Head, Special Education
Professor Jessica Li, Associate Dean for Research
Teaching Associate Professor, Curtis Mason, Associate Dean for Undergraduate Programs
Associate Professor, Karla Möller, Associate Dean for Graduate Programs
Professor Helen Neville, Interim Head, Curriculum and Instruction
Professor Yoon Pak, Head, Education Policy, Organization and Leadership
Committee of Department Executives (Non-Voting Members)
Chrystalla Mouza, Dean, ex officio, CoDE chair
Amanda Brown, staff
Amy Summers, staff