How do I activate my NetID as a student or external affiliate?

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To access many authenticated university services and create accounts, new students, faculty, and staff must first activate their UIC NetID.

Employees must have their information submitted by their department into HR Front End so they may complete the activation process through UI New Hire:

Students and Guests will use the “UIC NetID Activation” page to activate their NetID. Student NetIDs are assigned automatically upon admission.


  1. UIC NetID Activation page

    example net I D activation page

    Make sure you are on the UIC NetID Activation page by referring to this link:
    UIC NetID Activation
  2. Identity Verification

    where to find fields for U I N and activation token

    Enter your 9 digit University Identification Number (UIN) and Activation Token in the designated boxes.

    Please note: Technology Solutions cannot provide you with your UIN or activation token. You should have received your UIN and activation token with your UIC admissions/acceptance materials OR a welcome email from your sponsoring department. If you misplaced any of these items or did not receive them please contact the respective departments:

    -Students should contact the UIC Portal Help/OSSS:
    For issue, select "forgot token". The team that manages the UIC Portal will then reach out to you via email with your token.

    -External affiliates/volunteers should contact their sponsoring department:

    For more efficient assistance, complete the webform at: my.UIC/UIC Connect Help. You will need your UIN, which you can find here.
  3. Policy Compliance

    where to complete steps to agree to policy

    Review the Technology Solutions Acceptable Use Policy for Technology Solutions Services and then indicate your acceptance in the checkbox.
  4. Click 'Continue'
  5. Identity Verified

    example verification message

    There will be a green box confirming that your identity is verified and you successfully claimed your NetID.
  6. Email

    example message confirming email address

    This is your UIC email address. Take note of it.  Students at UIC use UIC's GSuite (formerly called GoogleApps) for their email. Once you've created your account, access your UIC email at:

    You will use your NetID and this email address for as long as you are affiliated with UIC.
  7. Agree to GoogleApps@UIC Terms of Use

    Google Apps terms of use screen

    Review the GoogleApps@UIC Terms of Use and then indicate your acceptance in the checkbox.
  8. Click 'Create GoogleApps'
  9. Password Recovery Registration

    where to add personal information in password recovery fields

    Set your password recovery options. This will allow you to recover your password on your own, using the self-service recovery options that you establish.

    You must enter at least one of the following:
    - SMS Mobile Number
    - Non-University email
    - Voice Callback Number

    It is strongly recommended to provide valid information for all three options.

    The contact information provided in this step will only be used for password changes, computer account security events including concerns or alerts involving your high risk data, or as authorized by law. For more information, please refer to the University Web Privacy policy.
  10. Share contact information with UIC Alert

    example screen for selecting to share with U I C Alert

    Indicate your acceptance to share contact information with UIC Alert in the checkbox. UIC Alert is a service that allows authorized UIC officials to send email and/or text messages to mobile phones or any text message capable device in the case of a campus emergency. Learn more about UIC alert.
  11. Click 'Continue'
  12. Set Password

    example set password screen

    Create password and adhere to the password rules below:
    • Must be at least eight (8) and no more than one-hundred-twenty-seven (127) characters in length.
    • Must contain at least one (1) uppercase letter.
    • Must contain at least one (1) lowercase letter.
    • Must contain at least one (1) number or one (1) special character (no spaces).
    • Must NOT contain four (4) sequential characters of your NetID.
    • Passwords shorter than sixteen (16) characters cannot contain words from the dictionary longer than three (3) characters (checked on submission).
    • Cannot use passwords from the last 3 years (checked on submission).

  13. You must adhere to all the password rules to successfully set your password.

    Passwords must be changed at least once a year. Passwords will expire one year from the most recent password reset or activation date.
  14. Click 'Create Password'
  15. Password Managers (Optional)

    example password managers message

    This step is NOT required. Password managers help you store encrypted passwords and manage them using a master password. Learn more about using a password manager.
  16. NetID Activation Completed!

    Net I D activation confirmation screen

    Congratulations! You have completed your NetID activation. Your NetID is a unique identifier assigned to you across all University of Illinois campuses. With your associated NetID password, it serves as your login to most University and campus-based computing and networking services.

    On this page you will find your NetID and UIC email address. Please take note of that information. You will also find information about various UIC applications, products, and services.
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Article ID: 846
Fri 1/15/21 6:10 PM
Wed 9/11/24 10:25 AM

Related Services / Offerings (1)

NetIDs for external affiliates such as guests or vendors who need access to UIC resources.