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What should I do if I received an email saying that I need to change my expiring password?

Explains what someone should do if they receive an email telling them that their password is about to expire ... password ... Explains what someone should do if they receive an email telling them that their password is about to expire It is always safer not to click on links in emails.  To make sure that you are

I have left UIC and I don't want to change my password. Can I just let it expire?

Explains what happens if a password isn't changed ... Explains what happens if a password isn't changed When you leave UIC, your accounts are flagged to be deleted after a specified grace period, about which you should have received an email

Why can't I log in to Blackboard (New UIC User)?

If you cannot log in to Blackboard and you are new to UIC, it is likely that a password has not yet been set for your UIC NetID. For students, this is commonly done during orientation. ... password ... If you cannot log into Blackboard and you are new to UIC, it is likely that a password has not yet been set for your UIC NetID. For students, this is commonly done during orientation. To set your

How do I access my.UIC portal?

password ... my.UIC is a University of Illinois Chicago portal for incoming students which serves student administrative needs.   To access my.UIC use your UIC NetID and password. Activate your UIC NetID if

NetID Center

The NetID Center allows you to self-manage and recover your password without calling the help desk, in the event you need to update, or forgot, your password. ... The NetID Center allows you to self-manage and recover your password without calling the help desk, in the event you either need to update or forgot your password. Features Manage your

How can I log in to U of I Box?

Single Sign-on Support for Box Services Box resources that support single sign-on (SSO) with your NetID and password will require using those credentials to authenticate. These resources include

How can I set restrictions on who can respond to my Qualtrics survey?

password ... for customized links.   2) If you'd like your survey to be secured using a password, you could create a single password and share it with the select group of respondents via email. More information can be found in the Qualtrics documentation about password-secured surveys.

How do I set up a SSH key to connect to Technology Solutions managed servers?

password ... can upload multiple public keys if you like. We encourage the use of SSH keys for a few reasons: First, it prevents password guessing attacks on servers that are configured to not accept any

What is eduroam and how do I use it?

Eduroam is an organization that joins educational institutions and allows them to broadcast the same Wi-Fi network, but allows for your local institution's username and password to access that network. ... Overview Eduroam is an organization that joins educational institutions and allows them to broadcast the same Wi-Fi network, but allows for your local institution's username and password to access

What is MySQL Portal and how do I use it?

to perform the following actions: Grant Access (adding new users) Manage Database Users: Delete Access Change Password Change access ro <-> rw

How do I sign up for UIC Alert?

subscribe a mobile number for UIC Alert notifications when setting their password and password recovery options for the first time in the UIC NetID Activation application:Navigate through the UIC

How do I activate my NetID as a student or external affiliate?

checkbox.   Click 'Create GoogleApps'   Password Recovery Registration Set your password recovery options. This will allow you to recover your password on your own

I forgot my voicemail PIN, how can I reset it?

your UIC NetID in the Username field, and your UIC Password in the Password field.   From the main page, select Messaging Assistant to access your voicemail settings

What is my NetID?

. A UIC NetID and password are required for: Using Technology Solutions services such as UIC email, UIC-WiFi, Blackboard, personal computer labs and printers. Accessing the portal

What can I do if I'm locked out of an Active Directory Account?

An Active Directory (AD) account will be locked out if there are too many incorrect password attempts, either by the account owner or by a third-party attempting a brute-force password hack