Active UIC email addresses are subscribed to UIC Alert automatically UIC Alerts by email will be sent to the
email delivery route for your address.
New students can additionally subscribe a mobile number for UIC Alert notifications when setting their password and password recovery options for the first time in the
UIC NetID Activation application:
- Navigate through the UIC NetID Activation steps to the Password Recovery Registration page
- Enter a mobile number option for password recovery in the SMS Mobile Number text box
- Check the box next to "Share this contact information with UIC Alert" (the box is pre-checked by default)
- Leaving the box checked will register the same SMS mobile number for both password recovery option and UIC Alert
- Click on "Continue' and complete the remaining steps of UIC NetID Activation
New employees can similarly subscribe a mobile number for UIC Alert notifications when setting their password and password recovery options for the first time in the NetID Claim section of the
UI New Hire application.
Other ways to sign up:
- When reviewing or updating your password recovery options in the NetID Center, you can subscribe your password recovery SMS mobile number for UIC Alert notifications by checking the box next to "Share this contact information with UIC Alert".