I forgot my voicemail PIN, how can I reset it?

You can utilize the Unity web portal to reset your PIN.

  1. In your browser, navigate to: unityw1.voip.uic.edu/ciscopca. If you are off-campus, you'll need to connect to the UIC VPN first.
  2. Enter your UIC NetID in the Username field, and your UIC Password in the Password field.

    Cisco log in screen
  3. From the main page, select Messaging Assistant to access your voicemail settings.

    Where to find messaging assistant link
  4. Your voicemail PIN protects the privacy of messages and secures the account from unauthorized access. You can change your phone PIN at any time through this web portal. Select the Password drop-down menu, then select Change PIN to change your PIN.

     Note: The PIN must be at least six characters long and trivial passwords are not allowed i.e., 123456

    example change pin screen

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Article ID: 2344
Tue 11/23/21 1:41 PM
Thu 4/25/24 9:07 AM

Related Services / Offerings (2)

Changes to existing phone lines, physical phones, and voicemail boxes can be requested here.
UIC offers two types of telephone systems: analog phones and phones using voice over IP technology.