Zoom at UIC has been integrated with the Blackboard Learn system for the ease of instructors and students.
Table of Contents
Getting Started
Zoom is a tool for video conferencing and online meetings. It can be used for academic activities such as online synchronous class sessions, remote office hours, and online presentations. An alternative system available in Blackboard courses is called Blackboard Collaborate. Google Hangouts or Webex can also be used for video interactions.
Instructors and students who log into the Blackboard course and click on the Zoom meeting link will have their accounts automatically provisioned in Zoom. An email is sent to new accounts for confirmation. Instructor accounts are created as Pro accounts and student accounts as Basic accounts in Zoom. Basic accounts allow for creating free 40-minute meetings.
Instructors and students can also log into UIC Zoom outside of Blackboard directly at uic.zoom.us. More information about
Zoom at UIC.
How to Schedule a Zoom Meeting in a Blackboard Course
- Access the course you teach in Blackboard.
- Click the Tools button in the left sidebar, scroll down and click Zoom Meeting
- You will be taken to a Zoom page that lists all the upcoming Zoom course meetings you have scheduled and allows you to schedule a new Zoom meeting.
- This page also has tabs for prior meetings and meeting recordings you have saved in the cloud.
- Click the Schedule a New Meeting button in the upper right-hand side of the page to schedule a class meeting
- You will be taken to a meeting setup page where you can schedule the date and time of your class meeting and select the options you want for that meeting.
- You can edit the meeting settings or delete the meeting from the meeting setup page.
- If needed, copy the Join URL for the meeting so that you can send it to your students.
- Once you have scheduled a meeting, click Save. Your new class meeting will be added to the Zoom Meetings page on Blackboard.
How to Start a Scheduled Course Meeting
To start a scheduled meeting:
- Access your class in Blackboard and click Tools.
- Scroll down and click Zoom Meeting.
- Click the Start button next to the meeting.
How to Join a Scheduled Course Meeting as a Student
1. Accessing a Zoom meeting in an empty course shell with a Tools menu item:
- Access your class on Blackboard
- Click Tools.
- Click Zoom Meeting. A list of all Zoom meetings for this course will appear.
- Students can click the Join button next to the desired meeting to enter the meeting.
2. The instructor can also copy the Join URL from the Zoom meeting setup page and post it in the Blackboard course or send it to your students. Students can then join by clicking on the URL in the post or message.
3. The instructor can add a Zoom Meeting course item to any course area or folder inside of a Blackboard course. The Zoom option is available in Tools menu during the course editing process.
4. The instructor can add Zoom Meeting to the course menu by adding a tool link.
Zoom Links in Courses
1. Tools area

2. Course building tool:

3. Course menu tool

Zoom Support
- Pro users have the option to chat with Zoom support at any time 24/7. To chat with Zoom, please log into your U of I Zoom account at uic.zoom.us and click the blue question mark (?) at the bottom right-hand corner of the screen.
- Zoom publishes and updates articles supporting all of their services. These documents can be found at the Zoom Help Center.
- Zoom has specific articles relating to getting started which can be found at Zoom: Getting Started.
- Zoom also has video tutorials if needed: Zoom Video Tutorials.
Status Pages