How do I check or update my password recovery options?

Please follow these instructions to modify your self-service password recovery options:

  1. Go to
    Net I D Center home page
  2. Click on "Log in", or "Forgotten or Expired Password". Either route will lead you to the "Authenticate" page.

    University of Illinois System Log In page

    Net I D center forgotten or expired password screen
  3. Login with your NetID (do not add and your current password.

    Net I D Center Authenticate screen
  4. Modify the contact information that you want to change and click "Save", or if you are simply reviewing and not making any changes, click on "Cancel" to return to the previous page.
NOTE: Using the web browser's navigation buttons from the "Update Recovery Options" screen can sometimes lead to unintended changes, so please navigate forward or back using only the "Save" or "Cancel" links at the bottom of the page.
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Article ID: 859
Fri 1/15/21 6:11 PM
Sun 9/12/21 4:26 PM

Related Services / Offerings (1)

The password management service allows you to change and recover password for credentials assigned to you as well as to manage two factor authentication devices and settings for your accounts.