In order to use a non-accessible type question in Qualtrics, you need to request an exception to the defaulted Qualtrics accessibility limit. In the event that a user both absolutely requires the use of a non-accessible question type and can assure that his/her survey will not be distributed to the public, override requests may be made with the Technology Solutions Service Desk.
Qualtrics Accessibility
In order to comply with the Illinois Information Technology Accessibility Act, question types that are not considered to be accessible using screen readers (e.g. JAWS), will not be available within UIC Qualtrics. These question types include:
Surveys including any of the previous question types may not be published until the non-accessible questions are either removed or re-formatted into a different question type. Please visit the Qualtrics accessibility page for more information.
Requesting an Exception
In compliance with the Illinois Information Technology Accessibility Act, the administrative settings for UIC Qualtrics, by default, will not permit the publishing of any surveys which include non-accessible question types. In the event that a user can prove 1) absolute necessity of use of a non-accessible question type and that 2) the survey will not be distributed outside of the University requests for overriding this default setting may be made with Qualtrics support in the process outlined below.
- User contacts the Service Desk requesting the use of a non-accessible question type, describing why the use of a non-accessible question type is necessary AND demonstrating that the non-accessible survey will not be distributed outside UIC. To qualify for an exception to accessibility requirements, the survey must meet these two requirements:
the question type is deemed necessary to gather required data (the question cannot be rewritten using a different question type).
the survey will not be shared outside the university with the general public.
- After properly documenting that the previous steps have been successfully completed, the Technology Solutions Service Desk will then change the user type of the requester within the software so that non-accessible surveys will be ignored and allowed for publishing.