Central Registry

About this service

Description The Central Registry is a collection of individual and group University-oriented online identities for customers at the Urbana campus. The Central Registry allows IT professionals to create and update information about an individual or non-person entity.
Other names None listed
Documentation links

The Illinois Directory

Illinois Directory Student FAQ 

Illinois Directory Faculty and Staff FAQ 

The Electronic Directory Editor

Features and tools NetID Creation, group alias management, long-term guest account management, allied agency customer management, iCard TCN WebGeneration, Electronic Directory Editor

Getting and using this service

Who can use the service Undergraduate students
Graduate/Professional students
How to get the service A Central Registry entry is automatically created when an Urbana NetID is assigned.
Cost No charge
Usage constraints Directory contains data on FERPA-suppressed individuals but is only accessible to the identity management team and, in rare cases, service managers who have completed FERPA training.

Support and Hours

How to get help Contact Technology Services Identity and Access Management at techservices-iamu@illinois.edu.
Training and consulting opportunities No listed
Maintenance hours Monthly patching the 3rd Wednesday of each month between 5:30 and 7:30 AM. Other maintenance may be done periodically, but always weekday mornings between 5:30 AM and 7:30 AM or weekend mornings between 5:30 AM and 10:00 AM.
Lifecycle stage Production
Provided by Technology Services
I need help with the Central Registry


Service ID: 161
Wed 11/18/20 12:04 PM
Fri 9/2/22 6:22 AM