What is an external affiliation?

What is an external affiliation?

External affiliations, by definition, are those whose NetIDs are not created by student admission processes or in relation to departmental hiring procedures, and/or whose status cannot be verified by student or employee data that can be collected from Banner.

An external affiliation can be a person who is working for a UIC department but is not in Banner as an employee or student but requires access to UIC resources to complete the project or work they were contracted to do. 

If the external affiliate was previously affiliated with the University of Illinois system, any campus, as a student or employee, the NetID they were assigned originally will be re-assigned to them in their external capacity. 

How long does an external affiliation remain active? 

When a new external affiliation request is submitted, you will be able to select how long the affiliation should remain active.  You have the following options: 

  • 2 weeks
  • 1 month
  • 3 months
  • 6 months
  • 9 months
  • 1 year

Why are external affiliations created with an expiration date?    

External employees are sponsored by the department they work for.  They are not on UIC's payroll nor are they an enrolled student, i.e., they are not in University systems of record.  The external affiliate will be notified prior to their account's expiration, with renewal procedures, if applicable.   

Please visit the How do I create an external affiliation? page for more information.


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Article ID: 840
Fri 1/15/21 6:10 PM
Mon 3/4/24 4:30 PM

Related Services / Offerings (1)

NetIDs for external affiliates such as guests or vendors who need access to UIC resources.