Does Zoom integrate with Panopto?

Tags recording

The Zoom integration with Panopto allows for Zoom recordings to be uploaded seamlessly into Panopto.

Request the Zoom-Panopto Integration

Zoom recordings will not transfer to Panopto by default. If you would like your Zoom recordings to appear in Panopto for students to access them via your Blackboard course site, submit a request via email at

NOTE: Once you request the Zoom-Panopto integration, all meetings that are recorded from your account (whether course or personal) will automatically be pushed to Panopto.

Recordings Retention

Recordings in Zoom are set to auto-delete after 180 days. Panopto recordings stay available for three years. If you use Zoom for teaching, then it is recommended that you opt in to have your Zoom recordings upload to Panopto. See How long is Panopto data retained in UIC?

Types of Zoom Meetings

1. Personal Zoom Meetings

When a personal zoom meeting is recorded, the recording will upload directly to Panopto's My Folder. This will not affect the Zoom recording at all, and Zoom will continue to also upload to Zoom recordings.
  1. Create or schedule a Zoom meeting as usual. For more information about creating a Zoom meeting, see How do I start or schedule a Zoom Meeting?\
  2. Access your Panopto recording by logging in here:
  3. Panopto will push you to the Blackboard login page. Log in with your UIC credentials.
  4. Click on My Folder in the upper left hand menu.
Click My Folder

5. In your My Folder, click on the button titled Meeting Recordings.

Click Meeting Recordings
6. Your most recent Zoom recording will be located at the top of the folder.
See Meeting Recordings

2. Blackboard Zoom Meetings

When creating Zoom meetings inside of a Blackboard course, faculty can have their recordings upload directly to the corresponding course folder in Panopto. This will not affect the Zoom recording at all, and Zoom will continue to also upload to Zoom recordings.
1. To create a Zoom meeting inside Blackboard that integrates to Panopto, see How can Zoom meetings be scheduled in a Blackboard Course?
2. Access your Panopto recordings as usual using the Panopto application inside Blackboard. If you have never used Panopto before, watch this short intro: 
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Fri 1/15/21 6:27 PM
Tue 7/30/24 9:10 AM