Service Catalog

Categories (1)

Grainger College of Engineering

To contact Engineering IT for service requests or incident reports use the links below, email, or call our Help Desk (217-333-3131).

Not all our services are listed here yet. This service catalog will not officially launch until sometime during Fall 2020 semester. Items will be added over time, as well as additional functionalities including sorting and searching. Our current service catalog is at:

If you are supported by Engineering IT, please only use the links below to contact us. Similar and potentially redundant listings in the boxes in the right-hand column are based upon the campus-wide build-out of this system and may not currently reach EngrIT.

Please use the "Request Service Not Otherwise Listed" for requests for services not yet listed here.

Thank you for your understanding and flexibility. We remain your Trusted Academic Partner and are excited to improve our service to you with this evolving

Services (1)

Web Application Service

Need to talk to someone about web sites.