My Recently Visited Services

The CS VM Farm is an Engineering IT-managed resource for students in Computer Science courses. The VM Farm provides customizable virtual machines that provide more flexibility than Engineering IT's managed instructional environments.

Engineering IT staff equipment refresh form.

Report an issue in 1310 Yeh Center

Something has gone wrong, and it's related to a computer or conference room tech setup.

Report an issue in 2405 Siebel

Anything not covered by other entries. (Currently a lot)

Request EWS Computer Lab Background images to be posted for advertising

Engineering IT offers short-term loans of laptops for events, travel, or temporary replacement for a broken computer.

Reserve an EWS lab for your course or RSO event

Requesting a laptop to borrow for more than 1 month.

Report an issue in 2015 Hydrosystems Lab

Report an issue in 2310 Yeh Center

Report an issue in 1311 Yeh Center

Report an issue in 0216 Siebel

Request assistance or training for teaching with Canvas.

Report an issue in 1214 Siebel

Report an issue in 3310 Yeh Center

Report an issue in EH Studio A (403B2)

Report an issue in EH Studio B (410B1)