Administrative and Business

Description for Administrative and Business goes here

Categories (14)

Auxiliary Services

Description for Auxiliary Services goes here


Description for Banner goes here

Business Capability and Process Automation

Practices, frameworks, and technologies that automate, improve efficiencies, and measure the effectiveness of business processes

Capital Management

Description for Capital Management goes here

Data, Reporting, and Analytics

Description for Data, Reporting, and Analytics goes here

Faculty Information Systems

Description for Faculty Information Systems goes here

Financial and Procurement Systems

Description for Financial and Procurement Systems goes here

Human Resources and Payroll

Description for Human Resources and Payroll goes here

Library Systems

Description for Library Systems goes here

Medical and Health Systems

Systems and technologies in support of clinical processes, including health record management.

Student Information Systems

Description for Student Information Systems goes here

University Payroll & Benefits

University Payroll & Benefits (UPB) facilitates and suppports accurate, timely payment and benefits enrollment of employees for each of the three universities.

AITS Work Requests

Request project work by AITS staff, usually sent by university staff and faculty. They are generally small projects that fall below 250 hours of effort.

AITS Project Requests

Submit project proposal requests for larger efforts. These are usually sent by project sponsors or project managers for ITPC projects or AITS internal projects.

Services (8)

AITS Quality Assurance Testing

Requests for Accessibility, Automation, Functional, Performance, and Vulnerability testing.

Links to student, research, business, and administrative applications used throughout the University of Illinois System

Data Integration and Virtualization (Denodo)

Denodo Data Virtualization Service

Operations Support

System Units that receive services from Operations Support can request Unit Security Contact (USC), Expense Reimbursement, Travel, Skype for Business, Budget, Event Planning, Equipment Management Services, and Reconciliation here.

System Office Digital Accessibility Services

Unfortunately, it is not always possible to procure or create ICT that meets that standard. In these situations, the university must be able to demonstrate that reasonable efforts were made to procure an accessible ICT and an equally effective alternative method of access must be provided. As such, a request to use an inaccessible ICT or to use an ICT in an inaccessible context must be reviewed and approved.

System Offices Shared Services

System Offices Shared Services provides organizational effectiveness services, including training and change management services such as communications, instructional design, Ability LMS support, and online conferences and events for all System Offices units and beyond.

U-Pay Amazon for Business

This service will be utilized to by Pcard holders to request access to Amazon Business.