Classroom Technology Training

The Center for the Advancement of Teaching Excellence (CATE) offers one on one training on the use of the technology found in UIC's common-use (non-departmental) classrooms.

Where Can I Get It?

Select the Request Training button located on this page to schedule a training.

How Do I Use It?

You can ​​​​​​​learn how to get started by reviewing our How do I use the AV system? article.

How Can I Get Support?

If you are experiencing a problem with this service, please report it. If you just have a question, feel free to ask us.

Service Levels

Service Request Response Time Response to a training request within 2 business days. 
Service Request Fulfillment Time As scheduled
Request Classroom Tech Training


Service Offering Id: 83
Fri 6/24/22 9:45 PM
Fri 6/24/22 9:45 PM
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Student (Graduate)