Computer Labs

What Is It?

Campus computer labs provide centrally managed computers with standard software. These labs are available to UIC students, staff, faculty, and authorized guests. Many of the labs are available for reservation for instruction or special events. There are some labs that are open 24 hours, 7 days a week. In addition to general use labs, Technology Solutions manages labs with access limited to a certain group, such as residence hall residents.


  • Labs are distributed throughout the campus, although the vast majority are concentrated on the east campus
  • See the list of computer lab locations for details, taking special note of which labs are reservable for instruction
  • Accessing 24/7 labs in the Science and Engineering Labs East requires building access authorization.


Eating or drinking is not permitted in computer labs.

Who Is Eligible To Use It?

Technology Solutions computer labs are open to all current students, faculty, and staff at UIC. Some residence hall labs are open to residents only. Certain labs may be reserved for instructional purposes. On weekdays between 8:00am and 5:00pm, academic use of the labs has priority over all other use.

Where Can I Get It?

For a list of available computer labs, see What are the Technology Solutions teaching and open computer labs?

How Do I Use It?

To use a computer in a lab, simply log in using your NetID and password. For guest access, visit Guest Computer Access.

How Much Does It Cost?

This service is funded by the University; there are no direct costs to clients.

How Can I Get Support?

If you are experiencing a problem with this service, please report it. If you just have a question, feel free to ask us.

Service Levels

Service Request Fulfillment Time Under 2 business days, unless in-person training/discussion is required, or escalation to vendor is required
Incident Resolution Time Phone or walk-in receives immediate response and attempt to resolve within 15 minutes, during ACCC-LTS support office hours (7:30am to 9:00pm, Mon-Thurs; 7:30am to 7:00pm Fri)
Email resolution under 2 business days, unless escalation to vendor is required
Service Availability Typical class scheduling is 8:00am to 9:00pm, Mon-Fri
Maintenance Window(s) Academic Calendar break periods
Service Notification Channel(s) IT Service Notices
View Computer Labs


Service Offering Id: 80
Fri 6/24/22 9:32 PM
Fri 6/24/22 9:36 PM
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