Technology Solutions Rate and Funding Model

The rate and funding model categorizes all Technology Solutions services into three distinct categories:

  1. Basic Bundle: The bundle includes common services that all faculty and staff have access to, such as: email and calendaring, identity and access management, security management, desktop/laptop backups, helpdesk, IT training, storage, some network services, some phone services, software license management and Windows infrastructure. The cost for these services is recovered through a per FTE rate.
  2. Self-supported: These services are not universally used or needed by all faculty and staff, such as: automated call systems; backup services for servers; cellular service; data and voice installs, moves and changes; incident tracking system; digital signage; IT event support; high performance computing; printing services; special circuits; specialized consulting and support; storage services (beyond basic bundle); and virtual servers. The cost for these services is recovered through recharge rates for individual services as requested by the customer. Rates can be found through each self-supported service offering.
  3. University: These services support students, instruction, and related academic activities, including: some network services, infrastructure services (applications, database, communications), classroom technology, and learning management systems. The cost for these services is funded through central appropriations.

Rate & Funding Review Process

The recharge rate for the future fiscal year is developed as part of the annual budget process in VCI/Technology Solutions. Any proposed rate changes are evaluated and approved by the UIC Budget Office and the Chancellor. Details about the rate are distributed along with UIC budget guidance. An expense transfer will be made once a year around the second quarter of the fiscal year to collect funding from each college/unit.

See FAQs related to the Technology Solutions Rate and Funding.

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