Blackboard LTI Integrations

Learning Tools Interoperability (LTI) is an integration standard for third party tools. The approval process for each tool that instructors request to integrate with Blackboard will include reviews for functionality, accessibility, security, FERPA, legal, cost, as well as other factors as applicable. 

Before submitting a request, please refer to the details on how to get a tool integrated with Blackboard to understand the way the approval process works.

Where Can I Get It?

Select the Request LTI Integration button on this page to submit your request. Please refer to the details on how to get a tool integrated with Blackboard before submitting a request.

How Can I Get Support?

If you are experiencing a problem with this service, please report it. If you just have a question, feel free to ask us.

Service Levels

Service Request Response Time 1 week
Service Request Fulfillment Time Varies based on the nature of the tool being integrated
Request LTI Integration


Service Offering Id: 38
Fri 2/25/22 2:34 PM
Fri 6/24/22 5:09 PM
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IT Pro