Is there an alternate/workaround for employee NetID activation?

This is to be used ONLY for EMPLOYEES when their phonebook contact reports that UI New Hire was unsuccessful. Or, there was an issue using HR Front End and the employee needs an alternative to activate their NetID.
PLEASE NOTE: These methods are only valid for permanent employees with an active BANNER record. These are not valid options for students. 

There are two workarounds for employee NetID activation in this case, since HRFE seemed not to work as intended. Please note the two different workarounds:


This will allow the employee to go through NetID activation as long as they have internet and web access. Once the external affiliation is successfully completed, it will auto generate a welcome letter to the employee with an activation token and NetID activation instructions. Please note these important items:

a. You will use the "External Affiliates Page" NOT "PB Update". Your department’s Phonebook (PB) will create an external affiliation for this person. You are listed as the PB contact for your department.  The External Affiliates web application found here:

UIC identity-management for affiliations

Note: If you need to find out who is the PB for your department:

Go to UIC Online Directory

department field in directory search

Under the heading, ‘Departments’ search by campus unit

b. Make certain to use a NON-UIC personal email address for the employee that they are able to access. Please DO NOT use their UIC email address. If you use their UIC email address the token will not be sent.

c. If the employee reports to you that they did not receive the welcome letter and token, please ask them to check their spam or trash folder. If they report it is still not there please double check the email input entered was correct.


2. THE EMPLOYEE WILL HAVE TO COME IN PERSON TO THE TECHNICAL HELPDESK LOCATED IN IDEA COMMONS AT THE RICHARD J. DALEY LIBRARY. For in-person password assistance with a valid I-Card to establish a password that will activate their NetID. We can ONLY accept a valid I-Card to confirm identity. Please note the information for in-person password assistance listed at the UIC Service Desk.