What do I do once I am appointed as an Emerita/Emeritus ?

Explains to the user what to do once appointed as an Emerita/Emeritus.

Can you, someone from your department or the Emerita/Emeritus/Emeriti themselves able to send an attachment of the official letter from the Board of Trustees confirming that the emeritus status was granted, approved or confirmed? 

If so please send to: FacultyAffairs@uic.edu or directoryservices@uic.edu

If this is not possible, please reply back with the month and year the emeritus status was approved/confirmed by the BOT and we can research through the archives. Please keep in mind depending on how far we must search it could take some time to complete. 

Please reply with the requested response or information so we can assist further.

For more information, please visit:

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Article ID: 1545
Tue 1/19/21 9:54 PM
Fri 6/4/21 11:52 AM