Computer Labs

About this service

Description Technology Services maintains a number of computer labs across campus, sometimes referred to as Instructional Computing Services (ICS) Labs. General use computer labs provide reliable computer and printing access to students, faculty, and staff. Classroom labs also provide instructors with reliable computer access, current software, on-site help, audiovisual equipment, and collaboration stations.
Other names Technology Services Labs, Instructional Computing Services, ICS Labs, Location of lab (e.g. Oregon, Wohlers, English, Undergrad, Nevada)
Documentation links
Features and tools Software access, printing, poster printing, scanning

Getting and using this service

Who can use the service Undergraduate students
Graduate/Professional students
How to get the service Anyone with an Urbana NetID may use a computer lab.

If you would like to reserve a computer lab for classroom or ther usage, you must do so via the request form on the ICS website (
Cost There is no charge for general lab usage. There are charges for printing services in the lab.

The cost for reserving a lab for classroom other usage is based on locations, number of machines, staffing and support model. Academic courses and exams can reservce classrooms at no charge provided the lab is open, otherwise a $10 per hour staffing fee will be charged. Labs can be reserved for training purposes for $25 per hour if the training is a non-commercial course for students or staff. Academic, University-affiliated conferences or other events can reserve computer labs for $50 per hour.
Usage constraints None listed

Support and Hours

How to get help Staff on site
Phone: 265-7483
Training and consulting opportunities None listed
Maintenance hours Scheduled as needed depending on type of maintenance. University is officially closed, closed hours (varies by lab), sometimes maintenance is done without any impact to users.
Lifecycle stage Production
Provided by Technology Services
I need help with Computer Labs


Service ID: 196
Fri 11/20/20 8:31 AM
Tue 10/18/22 2:05 PM