Workspace ONE (AirWatch)

About this service


Workspace ONE, formerly known as AirWatch, is VMWare’s unified endpoint management (UEM) implementation. The service allows campus units to configure and manage both unit-owned and personally-owned devices on multiple platforms, including iOS, macOS, tvOS, Google Android, and Windows 10. Workspace ONE allows campus units to purchase and install Apple App Store software on unit- and personally-owned devices without violating state policy. This service also allows the configuration of security and other device policies.  

Workspace One collects metadata and names of files, but it does not collect the data contents from files located on endpoints. As long as files follow appropriate university naming conventions, Workspace One can be used to manage endpoints that interact with HIPAA data.

Other names Air-Watch, AirWatch, Mobile Device Management, MDM, UEM, Workspace One.
Documentation links University of Illinois Knowledge Base
Features and tools
  • Automatic enrollment of Apple DEP-provisioned devices
  • Enforcement of device-specific security profiles
  • Remote management and configuration profiles
  • Apple App Store software deployment and license management
  • Management console providing single-pane-of-glass for all devices

Getting and using this service

Who can use the service Faculty/Staff
How to get the service Submit a request at
Cost Beginning in January 2025, use of this service is financed via the provost's Cybersecurity Investment for the Urbana-Champaign campus. For other campuses, it is cost recovery. Please see this KB Article for cost details.
Usage constraints None listed

Support and Hours

How to get help Complete the form at
Training and consulting opportunities None listed
Maintenance hours Tuesday - Thursday from 7:00 AM to 8:30 AM
Lifecycle stage Production
Provided by Technology Services