Wired Network

What Is It?

The campus network is an enterprise-grade Ethernet network composed of fiber feeds to all campus buildings with fiber optic and copper network cables within buildings. It provides access to all campus resources and to the Internet via three Internet service providers.

If your machine does not support DHCP, please contact the Technology Solutions Networks Group (networks@uic.edu) for information on how to best support your device.


  • Network speeds ranging from 10Mbit/s to 1Gbit/s are available depending on the infrastructure available in the building
  • Most departmental networks reside behind a campus firewall
  • The network is segmented by department (or virtual local area networks “VLANs”)


  • To connect to the campus wired network you will need an active wall data jack and a configured computer or device with an ethernet card.
  • Telecommunications Standard Manual

Who Is Eligible To Use It?

  • Students
  • Faculty 
  • Staff

Where Can I Get It?

To request a new connection for an existing wall jack (bjack), contact the IT (REACH) representative for your department. REACH representatives are listed on the Departments A-Z page. REACH representatives can request a change in network configuration by selecting the Request Network Configuration Change button on this page.

How Do I Use It?

Connect your device to an available data jack.

How Much Does It Cost?

Access to the network is part of the Basic Bundle. Installation services are Self-Supported, costs will be reviewed with clients before service is provided.

How Can I Get Support?

If you are experiencing a problem with this service, please report it. If you just have a question, feel free to ask us.

Service Levels

Service Request Fulfillment Time 2-4 business days for existing connections
Incident Resolution Time 3-5 business days depending on the complexity of the incident
Service Availability 24x7
Maintenance Window(s) Approved Technology Solutions maintenance window(s)
Service Notification Channel(s) IT Service Notices
Request Network Configuration Change


Service Offering Id: 68
Fri 6/24/22 6:12 PM
Tue 8/6/24 9:54 AM
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