Research Data Rapids


What Is It?

ACER’s central infrastructure includes a 3PB high performance GPFS storage system intended for active research projects on UIC HPC clusters. 

All researchers with an account on the system are allotted 100GB each for personal storage in their home directory. 

All research groups with accounts on ACER's HPC infrastructure are provided 1TB of project storage space free of cost.

If additional storage is needed, more project space can be procured at a per-terabyte (TB) rate for 5 year terms. Current pricing is $44/TB per year. To request please complete the Research Data Rapids storage request form.

Who Is Eligible To Use It?

UIC Faculty and Staff

Where Can I Get It?

Click on the "Request Data Rapids" button on the right side menu and fill out the request form. An ACER staff member will help configure your new storage. 

How Do I Use It?

Researchers using HPC resources are granted access to Research Data Rapids GPFS storage as part of their condo node purchases.

Within the /projects/ filesystem, each allocation has a directory with the same name as the affiliated computational allocation (generally of the format dept_NetID/ or dept_group/). Each allocation directory contains by default:

  • NetID/ directory for each sponsored user within the allocation
  • common/ directory for exchange

PIs affiliated with an allocation can also request a subdirectory for individual research projects from either the allocation sponsor, allocation technical delegate, or ACER support staff.

How Much Does It Cost?

Project storage space on Research Data Rapids may be purchased for $44/TB per year for a 5 year term. 

Request Data Rapids Storage


Service Offering Id: 207
Wed 8/2/23 11:13 AM
Thu 9/28/23 3:05 PM