College of Medicine Informational Resources - Echo360 Recording (Classroom/Conference room)

Class Lecture Recordings

Class lecture recordings should be submitted via spreadsheet as far in advance of the first class as possible, at a minimum two weeks before. Please note at the start of classes in August and January there are a large volume of requests and it may require more than two weeks to get everything scheduled.

Please submit one request ticket per Block or per semester course. If there are multiple courses in your department in a given semester, please make an individual spreadsheet and tickets for each course you will have recorded.

In general, students access recorded content via a link to Echo360 inside their LMS like Blackboard.

Meeting and Event Recordings

Ongoing meeting recordings can be requested similar to class lecture recordings, and also require at least two weeks advance notice. Some meeting recordings, like certain Grand Rounds, may also be accessed via LMS like Blackboard. Otherwise, meeting recordings can be set to Public and the link provided to the requestor to distribute as preferred.


Echo360 Request Template

Download this Excel file to the right under the buttons see correctly formatted Echo recording requests: Echo360 Request Template

There are 15 columns. The required 10 columns are indicated in bold column headers. There are several rows filled out to guide you in formatting your request correctly. Notice that the recordings do not go all the way to hour or half hour, but stop two minutes before to allow for the next recording to start on time.

When the spreadsheet is complete for your request(s), use the button on this page to upload your spreadsheet in the Attachment field when you submit an Echo360 Recording Request.

Where can I request an Echo360 Recording?

Echo360 Recording rooms in COM
Style of Room Specific Room Numbers Link to details
Single Display Large Conference Rooms COMRB 1020 (Moss), MBRB 1017, CMWT 106 Large Conference Rooms
Multiple Display Large Conference Rooms CMWT 227, CMWT 429, CMWT 527 Large Conference Rooms
Multiple Matching Displays CMWT 220 Unique Conference Rooms
Single Display MBRB 1152 Unique Conference Rooms
Single Display MBRB 1109 Unique Conference Rooms
Multiple Differentiated Displays NPI 765 Unique Conference Rooms
BYOD Rooms in COMRB COMRB 3175, 4175, 5175, 6175, 7175, 8175 COMRB x175 Conference Rooms


Echo360 Recording Request


Service Offering Id: 185
Thu 6/22/23 12:58 PM
Tue 8/22/23 10:53 PM
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IT Pro