Video Production

What Is It?

One of the multimedia production services for faculty to create accessible multimedia materials for use in their courses.

Faculty can request recording and editing services for courses that are being converted to blended or online formats.

As part of the video production service, technology consultants can meet with you to develop a storyboard for your videos.

Who Is Eligible To Use It?

  • Faculty

Where Can I Get It?

Schedule an appointment at Request Multimedia Services. In the calendar, select Show more Services, then the Video Production service option, and then select from available dates and times to schedule your appointment.

How Much Does It Cost?

Intro videos of 3-5 minutes are recorded and edited at no cost to the faculty unit; more in-depth videos require the requestor’s departmental approval and payment.

How Can I Get Support?

If you are experiencing a problem with this service, please report it. If you just have a question, feel free to ask us.



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Sat 6/25/22 1:34 PM
Sat 6/25/22 1:34 PM
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