Report an ADA IT Accessibility Problem

What Is It?

The University of Illinois Chicago is committed to ensuring that our IT resources, such as websites, web applications, teaching and learning technologies, digital content and other electronic platforms and communications can be used by all members of our community. 

This form was created to collect information on any information technology accessibility issues under Americans with Disabilities Act(ADA) so that those problems can be tracked and remedied in a reasonable matter. 


This form enables users to disclose any accessibility problems in web contents, electronic documents, or University IT devices. Problems can be described with text description as well as file upload such as a screen shot of a web page or an electronic document. Problem reporting includes but not limited to:

  • Web-based information and applications, software, telecommunications products
  • Electronic documents such as PDF, MS Word, Power points, Email, and etc
  • University owned IT devices and kiosks

Who Is Eligible To Use It?

Anyone who uses electronic and information technologies in the UIC domain.

How Much Does It Cost?

This service is provided at no cost.

Service Levels

Initial Response Time 2 business days
Incident Resolution Time Varies based on the reported problem and efforts needed to address.