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Some classrooms with dual projectors are able to display two different sources at the same time. Those rooms include:
There is a weighted calculation for FTEs that are less than 100%.
The FTE calculation is done annually.
Shibboleth Integration is available to full time or part time employees at the University of Illinois Chicago who have a valid UIC NetID.
You may only check out one of each type of device at a time.
Information on normal SafeAssign response time.
Standard checkout is three business days, and a checkout can be renewed one time for an additional three business days.
Archive Storage is built as a scalable service for cost-effectively storing rarely accessed data for long periods of time.
This article gives an overview of what type of activity is logged into Azure and for what duration of time.
Gradescope helps instructors administer and grade assessments, whether online or in-class and allows saving time grading while getting a clearer picture of how students are learning.
During any Teams meeting or group call, you can start a live transcription of participant speech. The text appears alongside the meeting video in real time, including the speaker's name and a time stamp.
U of I Zoom users must log into the UIC Zoom portal using single sign-on in order to use Pro features. All UIC Staff, Faculty and Students (with the exception of UI Hospital and Clinics) are eligible for U of I Zoom Pro Licenses at this time.
UIC is using the most current version of Blackboard Learn 9.1, which offers many valuable benefits. To ensure that the updated interface works properly across all devices and all course sites, the colors and sizes of elements in the Blackboard interface are not able to be customized at this time.
Microsoft Teams is a chat-based workspace and real-time collaboration tool that combines workplace chat, meetings, file storage, and application integration - a great way to get productive and keep track of your progress. UIC students, faculty and staff can use MS Teams. Below you can find training available:
When you're going to be away from your email for an extended period of time, you can use the auto-reply filter to automatically reply to your incoming email to inform senders that you're away, when you'll be back, and perhaps let them know who they can get in touch with for help while you're gone.