How many phone lines can I install on one jack?

Tags VoIP

One voice jack can support four analog/Centrex phone lines. One Data jack can support up to 2 VoIP phone phones.

VoIP Phones
For VoIP phones, the device can essentially have an unlimited number of phone lines associated with.  By installing a 5 line phone and then adding on sidecars you can ensure that multiple lines will appear on the single phone set.  Up to 2 of these sets can be placed on a single data jack

Analog/Centrex Phones
For analog/Centrex phones, in one jack you can install four phones on the voice port of the jack. For example, two phones, one fax, and a credit card machine.

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Article ID: 968
Fri 1/15/21 6:18 PM
Tue 9/28/21 2:00 PM

Related Services / Offerings (1)

UIC offers two types of telephone systems: analog phones and phones using voice over IP technology.