What type of information is approved to share in a Zoom meeting?

Tags compliance

Using Zoom has a wide variety of purposes, but using it to share or discuss certain information with legal compliance issues can put the university at risk of fines, penalties, legal, other large costs, and national reputational damage.

Please remain aware of the types of information being shared when using Zoom. The university wants to make this tool as useful as possible and is working through processes to meet the requirements of its legal obligations.


Below is the current status of some of these data type obligations based on the Data Classification Page:

Student data (FERPA) APPROVED
Protected Health Information (PHI/HIPAA) APPROVED only while
using UIC-PHI Zoom Group at
More information at
How can I use Zoom for PHI?
Credit Card information (PCI) NOT APPROVED
Bank Account information (GLBA) NOT APPROVED
Social Security Numbers (PIPA) NOT APPROVED
Driver's License Numbers (PIPA) NOT APPROVED
Biometric Data (PIPA) NOT APPROVED
Government Classified NOT APPROVED


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Article ID: 642
Fri 1/15/21 5:55 PM
Tue 2/27/24 3:06 PM