How can I learn to use Qualys?


This is a list of free Qualys training resources.

Qualys Certification and Training Center

In the Qualys Certification and Training Center you can take free training courses with up-to-date hands-on labs featuring the latest Qualys Suite features and best practices. Available self-paced, in-person and online learning paths: Qualys Certification and Training Center

Qualys Events List

List of Qualys events. Includes training events and webinars: Qualys Events

Request Network Vulnerability Scan


Article ID: 2737
Tue 8/1/23 2:25 PM
Wed 2/21/24 3:21 PM

Related Services / Offerings (1)

Qualys is a cloud-based vulnerability scanner and threat detector which comes with the ability to run IP based targeted scans or install a lightweight agent on endpoints for continuous monitoring. Qualys not only discovers threats and vulnerabilities but offers known effective ways to solve these threats.