How can I be informed of UIC IT service status?


Technology Solutions communicates IT service status via the website, including notifications to subscribers via a variety of channels.

Table of Contents

Finding Current Service Status

You can view the current status of UIC IT services through various platforms. All sources provide the same information, with the most detailed updates available at

Subscribing to Service Status Communications

The service status tool also allows you to subscribe to receive direct notifications about new service disruptions or scheduled maintenance through various channels, including:

  • Email
  • SMS (Text Messages)
  • Microsoft Teams (see subsection on the Teams integration)
  • Slack
  • Webhook (for integration to other web applications)

Additionally, you can choose to receive notifications about all services or only the specific services you rely on.

To subscribe, follow the steps below:

  1. Visit

  2. In the upper right-hand corner, click on Subscribe.

    subscribe button on the upper right-hand corner

  3. Select your preferred subscription method. You can choose multiple methods, but remember to select each one individually.

    subscription methods selection list with options like email, phone, slack, microsoft teams, webhook

  4. Enter the requested information as prompted. For example, if you choose email notifications, provide your full email address, read and accept the terms of service, and then click Next.

    field to enter email and to accept terms and conditions

  5. In the Customizations section, you can choose to receive notifications for All services or only Selected services. The service names here match those in our service catalog on the UIC Help Center (e.g., Zoom, Teams, and Webex are grouped under the Meetings & Conferencing service).

    You can also set different notification preferences for each subscription method. For example, you might choose to receive updates about all services via email but only specific services via SMS.

    selection interface with a list of All services and Selected services

  6. Select the checkbox only if you prefer to receive the minimum number of notifications per incident (typically the initial and final updates). Then click Save.

    checkbox to receive the minimum number of notifications per incident (typically the initial and final updates)

  7. To add another subscription method, select Add another method and return to step 3 above.

    edit subscription options

Microsoft Teams Integration

When subscribing to receive notifications via Microsoft Teams, you need to complete a few prerequisite steps before you can proceed with the subscription on the status webpage. Detailed instructions are available at Microsoft Teams notifications for StatusHub.

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Article ID: 2646
Thu 1/12/23 1:09 PM
Tue 7/30/24 2:23 PM