EWS Lab Background Images

Engineering IT is happy to offer advertising space on the desktop backgrounds of the EWS labs to units and RSOs within the College of Engineering. Please keep the following policies in mind as you make your request:

  1. Events advertised must be sponsored by the College of Engineering or by a society affiliated with Engineering Council
  2. Images must be submitted in a graphics format (.jpg or .png) and must be exactly 800x600 pixels in resolution. 
  3. Text in images must be properly formatted with no spelling or grammatical errors.
  4. Images are displayed for one week (Monday through Sunday) on a first-come, first-served basis. EWS staff reserve the right to modify requested display dates as necessary.
  5. EWS staff has final discretion as to whether or not images are acceptable. 
  6. Posting background advertisements is a manual process. Therefore, images will be posted as workload permits and display dates are not guaranteed.

Background images are displayed for one week, Monday through Sunday. Please check the EWS lab background calendar to confirm that the week you would like is available prior to submitting this request.