Voicemail at UIS



UIS uses the Cisco Personal Communications Assistant for users voicemail. In this section we will cover how to record your name, set your PIN and record you standard greeting.

Setting Up Cisco Personal Communications Assistant Voicemail

  1. Open a web browser and go to https://unity1.uis.edu/ciscopca/home.do
    • If accessing from off campus be sure to use the UIS VPN
  2. Login in with your NetID and Password
  3. Click on Messaging Assistant
  • Recrded Name
    • Cisco Personal Communications Assistant's Player | Highlighting the Play, Stop and record ButtonsThe Recorded Name is used when no personal greeting has been recorded
    1. Click the record button on the Cisco Personal Communications Assistant player in the middle of the page
    2. State your name and then click the stop button on the Cisco Personal Communications Assistant player
    3. Review the Recorded Name by clicking the play button on the Cisco Personal Communications Assistant player
    4. If satisfied with the how the Recorded Name sounds click  Save at the bottom of the page
      • If you are not satisfied with how the Recorded Name sounds then re-record your name until satisfied
  • Set / Change PIN
    • The PIN is required when accessing voicemails from a handset
    1. Click on the Passwords menu then choose Change PIN
    2. In the text box next to New PIN: type your desired PIN, must be at least six digits
    3. In the text box next to Confirm New PIN re-type your desired PIN
    4. Click Save
  • Set/Record Desired Greeting
    • The Cisco Personal Communications Assistant has several types of predefined greetings. Click on the name of the greeting to record your personalized greeting.
    1. Click on the Greetings menu then choose View Greetings
    2. Next in the table of greetings click on Standard to record a personalized standard greeting
    3. On the Standard Greeting  page select the option next to My Personal Recording
    4. Cisco Personal Communications Assistant's Player | Highlighting the Play, Stop and record ButtonsNext record your greeting by pressing the record button on the Cisco Personal Communications Assistant player in the middle of the page
    5. Once you are done recording your greeting click the stop button on the Cisco Personal Communications Assistant player in the middle of the page
    6. Review your personalized greeting by pressing the play button on the Cisco Personal Communications Assistant player in the middle of the page
    7. If satisfied with the personalized greeting click the Save button at the bottom of the page
      • If you are unsatisfied with the personalized greeting then re-record and review until satisfied
    8. If you have chose a greeting other than the Standard greeting to record be sure to go back to View Greetings from the Greeting menu and check the box next to the greeting that was personalized and check the enable box next to that greeting and click Save
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Article ID: 2745
Mon 8/14/23 10:23 AM
Mon 8/14/23 10:23 AM