College of Medicine Informational Resources - Equipment/Room Orientation (A/V support)

What Is It?

COM maintains a set of classrooms for teaching and learning. These are also used for student group meetings and can be available for departmental and other meetings as well. Some spaces are given priority for classes.

Room Use

The Instructional Media team provides documentation for room capabilities. In general, this should be sufficient for people to successfully use the room for its intended purpose. See the list below for links to the Knowledge Base.

Rooms are reserved in Astra. Room reservations are managed by the College of Medicine Dean's Office Facility and Space Planning team. See their website for details.

Requesting training

For larger events or people unfamiliar with our spaces, the Instructional Media team offers walkthroughs to orient people to room capabilities. We will hear what you plan to do during your event, and show you the best way to do that in the space. Scheduling walkthroughs is constrained by both staff and room availability. Use the button on this page to make a Room Technology Training Request minimum two weeks in advance.

List of all COM rooms managed by Instructional Media

Here is the documentation available for each room:

CMWT: College of Medicine West Tower (including the Learning Center):

CMET: College of Medicine East Tower:

COMRB: College of Medicine Research Building:

NPI: Neuropsychiatric Institute:

  • 765 NPI

MBRB: Molecular Biology Research Building:

Gage Park clinic