CS Resources - EVL

What Is It?

The Electronic Visualization Laboratory (EVL) is an interdisciplinary research laboratory in the UIC College of Engineering’s Computer Science department. EVL specializes in collaborative visualization, virtual reality, visual data science, and advanced ML/AI computing and networking infrastructure.


  • General Support: Request support or start a discussion with EVL.
  • COMPaaS  (COMposable Platform as a Service): Provides a fluid pool of GPUs, CPUs, RAM, and storage mediums that can be flexibly allocated via containers to provide research infrastructure for specific projects and/or purposes.
  • Continuum: The Continuum environment is a high-resolution computer-enhanced group collaboration workspace, consisting of large format 2D touch-enabled and 3D tiled displays, and instrumented with arrays of ambient sensors, enabling users to collaborate with local and remote colleagues and their data more effectively by giving the room itself the ability to anticipate their needs, improve their interaction, and focus their time on discovery rather than the technology.
  • Cave2: The next-generation large-scale virtual-reality environment, is a hybrid system that combines the benefits of both scalable-resolution display walls and virtual-reality systems to create a seamless 2D / 3D environment that supports both information-rich analysis as well as virtual-reality simulation exploration at a resolution matching human visual acuity.

Who Is Eligible To Use It?

  • Faculty
  • Staff
  • Graduate Students

Where Can I Get It?

Select the Request Service button on this page to submit your request.