How do I get started with backups for desktops and laptops?


All faculty and staff automatically have a Crashplan account created for them 24 hours after their UIC account has been created. To begin using Crashplan, simply install the client on your machine and your files should automatically begin backing up.

NOTE: Crashplan is free to use for all faculty and staff.


All faculty and staff automatically have a Crashplan account created for them 24 hours after their UIC account has been created. To begin using Crashplan, simply install the client on your machine, and your files should automatically begin backing up. NOTE: Crashplan is free to use for all faculty and staff.

How do I get started with backups for desktops and laptops?

Step 1: Download and install the Crashplan App

1. Use your browser of choice to navigate to the Crashplan website.

     Username:  Your email address (e.g. 

     Password:  Your TS common password (i.e. the password that you've likely already set at to allow you access other TS/ACCC services)

NOTE:  You will likely be redirected to a UIC branded page where you need to re-enter your login information.  If you cannot log in and you're a new faculty/staff member, please allow 24 hours after initial account creation for your Crashplan account to be provisioned. If 24 hours have passed and you still cannot log in, please contact us for help.

2.  Click on Administration at the top.

3.  Click on App Downloads.     

4.  Download the application that is appropriate for your operating system.

5.  Double-click on the downloaded file to begin installation.

6. After the client installs, it should prompt you to enter your username, password, and server address.  Please enter the following information:

    Username:  Your email address (e.g.

    Password:  Your TS common password (i.e. the password that you've likely already set at to allow you access other TS/ACCC services)


Step 2: Select your files and start your backup

CrashPlan selects your user folder, documents, and desktop for initial backup by default and immediately starts backing these up after installation. The user folder contains commonly-used folders for pictures, music, documents, downloads, and more. Your departmental IT staff may select more/less/different files to be backed up by default.  If your administrative staff allows you to select different files to be backed up, you can select them by doing the following:

  1. Go to Manage Files. 
  2. Code42 app version 6.8.3 and later: Click Manage Files.
  3. (Optional) Click the options menu options menu and select Show hidden files to view hidden files.
  4. Navigate to the drive, folder, or files that you want to add or remove, then:
    • Deselect the check box next to any item you want to delete from your backup.
    • Select an empty box to add an item to your backup.
    • A minus sign deselected indicates that a subfolder within this folder is selected for backup. New subfolders within the folder will not be automatically added to your backup file selection.
    • A check mark selected indicates that this folder is selected for backup. New subfolders within the folder will be automatically added to your backup file selection.

manage files

  1. Click Save.
    If you deselected any files or folders, the Delete Files from Backup warning displays.
  2. If applicable, select I understand to confirm you want to delete deselected files from your backup.
  3. If applicable, select Delete.
    After changing the file selection, the Code42 app synchronizes the files selected for backup with the files already backed up to that destination.

View your backed up files

As soon as a file is backed up, it's ready to be downloaded. To view your backed up files:

  1. Open and sign in to the Code42 app.
  2. Go to Home and click Get Files.
    A list of backed up files appears.
  3. Review the list to see what's backed up. Click the folder name to see its contents.

Get files

What If Some Of My Files Don't Appear In The List Of Backed Up Files?

Deciding what to back up

The short answer is, "Back up the files that matter to you." Code42 for Enterprise is designed to back up and download your user files.

file types

User files

Code42 for Enterprise is designed to protect your user files. In other words, the files you create, edit, and access that allow you to get your job done. They also include certain files created by applications based on your information and settings in those programs.

  • Examples: Documents, spreadsheets, photos, videos, Outlook messages, web browser bookmarks
  • Location: Typically stored in a User directory or Home folder

Don't back up operating system and application files

Code42 for Enterprise isn't designed to back up system and application files and we don't recommend adding these files to your backup selection. Doing so could cause issues with the priority and status of other files you want backed up. Additionally, since Code42 for Enterprise isn't designed to download your operating system or applications, there is no advantage to backing up these types of files.

System files

These are files that your device needs to work correctly. They may be a part of your operating system, a third-party device driver, or another source. Typically, you don't interact with these files directly.

Application folders

These folders contain the files that allow various applications - like your email, word processor, and web browser programs - to work correctly. Like system files, you don't typically interact with these files directly.

NOTE:  You should also seriously consider not backing up your Appdata and Programdata folders.  There are a number of filers/folders in there that can prevent your backups from ever reaching 100%, though the rest of your drive should still be backing up. 

What happens if the entire hard drive is selected?

If you select your entire hard drive as your backup set, including system and application files, these files could prevent your business files from backing up efficiently.

As part of its normal operation, your device creates new system and application files, which are small. Because the Code42 app prioritizes the to-do list based on size and creation date, the system files are backed up before other files in your backup selection.

Some symptoms you might see if the Code42 app backs up system or application files:

  • Time to complete backup selection increases, sometimes by many days.
  • Backup never reaches 100%.
  • Backup status is incorrectly reported.
  • No files are displayed on the Get Files screen.



Article ID: 1556
Tue 1/19/21 10:58 PM
Thu 7/18/24 11:34 AM

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CrashPlan is an online backup service that boasts an excellent interface, unlimited storage plans, and the ability to back up to your own internet-connected computers. CrashPlan is not offered for server backups, or personal data from privately-owned computers, but is available for backups of UIC-related data on individual UIC-owned devices.