How do student organizations build websites at UIC?

This site details how student organizations can build a web presence at UIC.

Are you a member of a student organization looking to build web presence? The best place to start is by contacting

UIC Connection

UIC Connection is an organization management platform that uses OrgSync web software, and offered to student organizations. A consistent UIC design template is provided so organizations can easily post information, events, forms, and links to other relevant sites without needing any web design knowledge. UIC Connect can also be used to manage member rosters and conduct organizational assessments. To create a site and for more information, visit UIC Connection or email

Google Sites

Google Sites offers free template-based websites and content management systems for individual faculty, staff, and student pages as well as groups like departments, campus units, student and professional organizations, as well as conference and research groups. Visit Google Sites to create your site. The default URL for a UIC Google Site is where site is the name you give your Google Site. We can set up custom domain mapping for your site. 

Google Sites can only be accessed from the web (SFTP access is not available).

Blackboard Organizations

If your organization needs tools to collaborate, Blackboard may be a good option. Learn more about the features of Organizations in Blackboard and if you want to explore and test a Blackboard organization, send a request to
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