How do I transfer my UIC Gmail content to my personal Gmail account?


This article describes how UIC Students, Faculty, and Staff are able to transfer their UIC Google content to a personal Google account. 

Transfer Instructions  

 To transfer your Google content to a personal Google account follow these instructions: 

  1. While logged into your UIC Gmail account go to 


2. Enter your personal Gmail address and select "send code". A verification code will be sent to your personal gmail account. 

3. Once you have entered the Verification code, please select what content you would like to transfer (Gmail emails and/or Google Drive) , and start the transfer. 

Please note: 

  • The copy process usually happens within a few hours, but it can take up to a week.
  • Copied files might appear in batches on your Google Account during the copy process.
  • When your files are finished copying, you'll get an email at your Gmail address.
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Fri 1/15/21 5:53 PM
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