How do I update or confirm my UIC Alert subscription?

UIC Alert is a free service that allows UIC officials to send text messages to your mobile phone or any text message capable device in the case of a campus emergency.

Active UIC email addresses are subscribed to UIC Alert automatically.  UIC email subscriptions for UIC Alert are managed by Technology Solutions and cannot be changed or removed by subscribers.

You may, however, manage the mobile phone number(s) that you subscribe for UIC Alert messages by SMS.  Each time you reset your password in the NetID Center, which is required at least once per year, you will be presented with a screen to confirm or update your password recovery options as well as the UIC Alert subscriber option for the SMS number that you use for password recovery.  The checkbox to "Share this contact information with UIC Alert" is checked by default.  Leaving the box checked will subscribe the password recovery SMS number to UIC Alert.  Unchecking the box will remove that SMS number from your UIC Alert subscription if it was previously subscribed.  

Changing the mobile number for SMS password recovery while leaving the UIC Alert box checked will subscribe the new mobile number to UIC Alert without removing any previously subscribed mobile numbers, up to a maximum of 3 mobile numbers.  If the limit is reached, the oldest mobile number will be removed when adding the new mobile number.  The most recently subscribed mobile number will always be the primary number for UIC Alert SMS messages.

If you want to add or remove previously subscribed mobile numbers outside of the password reset process, you can do so by logging in to the Rave Mobile Safety UIC site with your UIC NetID and password.  Here you may also review, confirm. or test your UIC Alert subscriptions.

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