How do I unsubscribe from a listserv?

How to unsubscribe from a UIC listserv

To unsubscribe from a UIC listserv, send a specially formatted message or use the web interface (requires you to be connected to the UIC network, either on-campus or through the UIC VPN). Please note that there are special listservs (urgent and official notifications, massmail) for which subscription is managed centrally for all UIC students, staff and faculty.

Unsubscribe by email

This option is recommended, and is required for any list subscribers who do not have UIC network access. Send an email to from the email address which is subscribed to the listserv with the subject blank and the following line in the body of the message:

signoff listname

where listname is the name of the listserv.

Unsubscribe via the web

      1. Log on to using your UIC email address and NetID password. You must be on-campus or connected to the UIC VPN to be able to connect to it.

      2. On the left, select Subscriber Options, then Subscriptions.

      3. Check the list(s) you want to unsubscribe from and select Unsubscribe from the dropdown menu.
      4. Click Update.
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Fri 1/15/21 5:51 PM
Mon 5/13/24 1:51 PM