How can I manage Unity Voicemail online with Web Inbox?

Tags VoIP Cisco

Web Inbox allows users to manage voice messages and voice message receipts. Users can compose new voice messages as well as play, reply to, forward, or delete received voice messages.


1. Get Started

In your browser, navigate to: If you are off-campus, you'll need to be connected to the VPN.

In the Username and Password fields, enter: 

A. Username: UIC netID 

B. Password: UIC password

Cisco personal communications assistant screen



2. Select a Voicemail Tool

After your credentials are input, the Cisco Main Page will load. From this page the subscriber may access either the Messaging Assistant or Web Inbox.

web inbox button

Select Web Inbox by clicking the title of the tool.


3. Retrieve messages

After logging in, Web Inbox displays any messages that are new or have not been managed.

Web Inbox does not refresh or retrieve messages automatically. Select the Refresh button periodically to check for new messages.

Web inbox screen

• New messages appear in bold text. 

• The From and Subject fields contain the calling party name and number if this information is available.


4. Listen to Voice Messages

Click the message to be heard. It will highlight  in green as shown.

play button

Click the Play button to listen


5. Manage Inbox

Options are as follows:

Inbox options

A. New Message: Record or upload a message. 

B. Reply: Respond with a voice message to the sender. 

C. Reply all: Respond with a voice message to all who received the message and are Cisco Unity Connection users. 

D. Forward: Send the message to another subscriber and/or distribution list. 

E. Delete: Move the message to the Delete folder. 

F. Mark unread: Mark the message as unread. This presents the message as new. 

G. Use the volume control  bar to control playback volume when playing through a computer.

Note: Messages marked private are restricted from forwarding.


6. Send a Message

Web Inbox can be used to send, reply to, and forward messages to users, public and private distribution lists,  and e-mail addresses. Here you can provide a title subject and define message settings.

When sending, responding, or forwarding a message, the message may be marked as follows:

Urgent: The message is sent before others. 

Private: Alerts the recipient to treat the message confidentially and disables message forwarding. 

Read Receipt: The subscriber is notified when the recipient opens the message.


You may upload an existing .wav file or record a message. To record a message click Record. Then click Start Recording

Start recording button


You can review your recording by clicking  Play Recording

Play recording button

When you are satisfied with the message, click Send.

Note: Depending on your browser and browser settings, you may be prompted to allow or install Flash player. See next step for more information.


7. Manage Flash Settings

If the Start Recording button is inactive, you may need to adjust Flash Player settings and grant microphone access in order to record a message from your computer. 

The indications of this are sometimes subtle. Check the top corners of your browser window for a red icon. Chrome and Firefox examples are shown here.

Firefox Allow adobe

If there is an option to Allow Pop-ups from this site, select it and the Cisco settings menu for these preferences should appear. 

Flash blocked message

From this pop-up, click the radio button for Allow and check the box to Remember.

Allow flash checkbox

Close the window when finished or explore the options available in the other tabs along the bottom

From this pop-up you also have the option to:

• Adjust display settings 

• Allow and specify local storage on your computer 

• Set up microphone input and volume


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Article ID: 502
Fri 1/15/21 5:48 PM
Mon 9/20/21 3:50 PM