How can I create a Fixed Lease (DHCP Reservation)?

Creating a Fixed Lease (DHCP Reservation)

  1. Navigate to and log in using your NetID and password.

    NOTE:  You will need to be on campus, or connect to a UIC network using VPN to access this page.
  2. Select "IPAM".

  3.  Select "Networks".

  4. Select the appropriate address space.

    NOTE:  You can type a partial CIDR IP range in the "Address + Prefix" field to easily locate the desired address space.

  5. Once you've selected the appropriate address space, select the "+" icon.

  6. On the "Pool List" pop-up, select "Next."

  7. On the IP Address Class pop-up, select "Next".

  8. Enter the desired information.

    IP Address:  The IP Address you would like the device to have.
    MAC Address: The MAC address of the device you're creating a fixed IP for.

  9. Select the icon next to the words "Create DHCP Static".

  10. On the next screen, select the dropdown menu next to "Inheritance Property", change it to "Set", and then select "OK".

  11. Next, check the box next to "Create DHCP Static".

    NOTE:  If necessary, repeat steps 8 and 9 to be able to "Update DNS" and set a "Shortname" for this entry.

  12. On the "Aliases Configuration" screen, simply select "OK".

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Wed 7/20/22 9:53 AM
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